Apr 022018
Weather review - March 2018

March 2018 was the wettest ever March here. It was also the wettest month since January 2014. Temperatures were well below the average for the month. Snowfall was the highest since 2013. The maximum temperature in the month was 12.3°C recorded at 15:00 on the 10th, 3.0°C below the average monthly maximum for March. The minimum temperature was -6.1°C recorded at 00:56 on the 1st, the lowest temperature recorded here in March. Also on the 1st, the maximum temperature of -2.1°C recorded at 23:00 was the lowest ever maximum temperature recorded in March. The daily average temperature on the 1st [Read more]

Mar 022018
Weather review - February 2018

February 2018 was much colder than average, with only February 2010 being colder. Rainfall was lower than average, but snowfall was higher. Winds were lighter than average. The maximum temperature in the month was 10.0°C at 13:48 on the 19th. Only 2010, with a maximum of 8.4°C has seen a lower monthly maximum. The February average maximum is 11.9°C. The minimum temperature in the month of -6.3°C at 02:09 on the 28th, was the lowest since -7.2°C was recorded on February 11th 2012, the second lowest February monthly minimum recorded here. The February average minimum is -3.3°C. The average temperature [Read more]

Feb 022018
Weather review - January 2018

The first month of 2018 was warmer and wetter than average, with higher than normal winds. After two months of below average temperatures, the New Year started off well. After three drier than average months, the trend was reversed with a much wetter start to 2018. The warmest temperature of January was 13.1°C recorded at 14:03 on the 28th, with the coldest being -2.1°C recorded at 08:00 on the 8th. The average temperature for the month was 4.4°C, 0.6°C above the mean. The average daily maximum temperature was 7.0°C, 0.7°C above the mean, while the average daily minimum was 2.0°C, [Read more]

Jan 032018
Weather review - December 2017

December 2017 was a ‘below average’ month. Temperatures, rainfall and wind were all slightly below normal. The maximum temperature in the month was 11.7°C recorded at 07:19 on the 7th, 0.7°C below the average December maximum. This was the second lowest December maximum temperature, beaten only by the 8.0°C recorded in 2010. The minimum temperature was -4.1°C recorded at 09:46 on the 12th, 0.5°C below the average December minimum. This was the lowest temperature of 2017 and the lowest recorded here since -5.4°C was recorded on January 17th 2013. On the 10th, the maximum temperature only reached 0.5°C. This was [Read more]

Dec 012017
Weather review - November 2017

November 2017 was cooler than normal. Winds were lighter than average and rainfall was well below normal. The maximum temperature in the month was 14.5°C at 13:29 on the 22nd, 0.4°C below the average monthly maximum for November. The minimum temperature was -0.9°C at 05:05 on the 30th, 1.2°C above the average monthly minimum for the month.. This was the lowest temperature since -1.9°C was recorded on April 25th 2017. The first air frost of the autumn season occurred on the 13th when the temperature fell to -0.6°C. The monthly average temperature was 6.2°C, 0.6°C below the mean. The maximum [Read more]

Nov 012017
Weather review - October 2017

October 2017 was the driest October recorded here. Temperatures were well above average, with only October 2011 being warmer. The maximum temperature in the month was 20.1°C recorded at 14:14 on the 13th, 0.8°C above the average monthly maximum for October. This was the third warmest October day ever and the warmest October day since 25.6°C was recorded on October 3rd 2011. The warmest ever October day here was on October 1st 2011 when the temperature reached 27.4°C.The minimum temperature was 1.7°C recorded at 04:19 on the 30th, 0.4°C below the average monthly minimum for October. This was the lowest [Read more]

Oct 012017
Weather review - September 2017

September 2017 was the second wettest ever recorded here with rain being recorded on 23 days. Temperatures were below normal and winds were slightly below average. The maximum temperature in the month was 21.2°C recorded at 18:11 on the 4th, 2.6°C below the average monthly maximum. The minimum temperature was 4.8°C recorded at 08:04 on the 19th, 0.5°C below the average minimum for September. This was the lowest temperature since 4.1°C was recorded on May 11th 2017. The average temperature in the month was 12.7°C, 0.7°C below the September mean. The average daily maximum was 16.9°C, 0.8°C below the mean, [Read more]

Sep 032017
Weather review - August 2017

August 2017 was cooler and wetter than average. Winds were the lightest ever recorded in an August here. The average temperature in the month was 14.9°C, 0.4°C below the mean. The maximum temperature was 24.6°C at 16:13 on the 28th, with the minimum being 6.9°C at 07:48 on the 31st. This was the lowest temperature here since 6.3°C was recorded on May 21st 2017. The average daily high temperature was 19.4°C, 0.4°C below the mean. The average daily low temperature was 10.6°C, 0.8°C below the mean. The warmest day was the 28th with an average temperature of 18.6°C. The coldest [Read more]

Aug 012017
Weather review - July 2017

July 2017 became only the second month this year to record below average temperatures after January. Rainfall was lower than average and winds were lighter than normal. The average temperature in the month was 16.0°C, 0.2°C below the norm for July. The highest temperature was 27.3°C at 18:35 on the 6th, with the lowest being 8.8°C at 06:12 on the 17th. The average daily high temperature in the month was 20.8°C, and the average daily low was 11.7°C, both slightly below normal. The warmest day was the 6th with an average temperature of 19.9°C. The coldest day was the 11th [Read more]

Jul 012017
Weather review - June 2017

June 2017 continued the run of above average temperatures and was the warmest June so far recorded here. Winds were slightly stronger than average and rainfall totals were lower than the norm. The highest temperature in the month was 29.5°C recorded at 16:19 on the 19th, the highest temperature ever recorded in June here. This was also the highest temperature of 2017 so far and the highest since 30.1°C was recorded on July 19th 2016. The temperature exceeded 25°C on four occasions during the month, the first time this has happened since July 2014. The lowest temperature in the month [Read more]

Mar 032017
Weather review - February 2017

February 2017 was 2.5°C warmer than average, with a maximum temperature of 14.6°C. Rainfall was slightly below average and only 3.5 mm of snow was noted. Winds were average, even though an all-time record wind gust of 50 mph was recorded. The maximum temperature in the month was 14.6°C recorded at 13:46 on the 20th. This was the second highest February temperature, only beaten by the 15.6°C recorded on February 23rd 2012. The minimum temperature was -1.6°C recorded at 10:25 on the 6th, with the monthly average being 5.6°C, 1.4°C above the mean. This was the second highest February monthly average, beaten [Read more]

Nov 022016
Weather review - October 2016

October 2016 was drier and less windy than average, with temperatures slightly below normal. There were no unseasonably warm spells in the month, although there were days with temperatures in the high teens. The highest temperature recorded in the month was 17.2°C at 16:32 on the 4th. The lowest temperature was 3.7°C at 09:02 on the 10th, and the month average was 10.3°C, 0.3°C below the October mean. The average daily high temperature was 13.7°C (0.2°C below the mean) and the average daily low temperature was 7.5°C (0.1°C below the mean). The warmest day was the 28th with an average [Read more]