Oct 022015
Weather review - September 2015

As with August, September was another average month, although it was the coolest September so far recorded here. Winds were light and rainfall was below average. The maximum temperature in the month was 20.4°C recorded at 15:45 on the 10th. The lowest temperature was 4.8°C at 06:53 on the 26th, with the mean temperature being 12.0°C. This was the lowest mean temperature and the lowest maximum temperature ever recorded here in September. The maximum dew point was 15.9°C at 13:40 on the 12th, with the minimum dew point being 4.0°C on the 26th at 07:55. The average dew point was [Read more]

Sep 012015
Weather review - August 2015

August 2015 was an average and unspectacular month from a weather point of view. No major records were broken. The average temperature in the month was 15.6°C, with the high being 27.0°C at 16:06 on the 22nd, and the low being 6.7°C at 05:26 on the 16th. The high temperature of 27.0°C was the third highest temperature of 2015. Only the 27.2°C on June 30th and the 32.7°C on July 1st were better. The maximum dew point was 19.3°C at 19:36 on the 22nd, with the lowest dew point being 5.6°C at 06:26 on the 16th. The average dew point [Read more]

Aug 012015
Weather review - July 2015

Due to software and hardware problems, the station software was changed from Weather Display for Windows to WeatherCat for Mac. This was a major change of systems and as a result, no data was recorded from July 10th until July 12th. As a result of the system change, some features are no longer available to the site, but there are many new and improved features. All of the old data is still available on the new site, although some features will look different The problems weren’t sufficient to lose data on the hottest day ever recorded here, neither did they [Read more]

Feb 022015
Weather review - January 2015

January 2015 was slightly warmer and sunnier than average. Rainfall was less than normal but the month was the windiest January ever recorded here. Mild temperatures heralded the start of 2015 with a temperature of 11.9°C on New Year’s Day, the highest ever recorded here. The highest ever January temperature was also set at 17:37 on the 9th when the thermometer reached 14.0°C. This beat the previous best of 13.3°C recorded at 16:31 on January 29th 2013. The minimum temperature in the month was -3.1°C at 06:50 on the 19th. The last time a lower temperature was recorded was March [Read more]

Jan 292015
Dramatic temperature plunge heralds arrival of Arctic air

After six days of relatively mild conditions, a cold front swept down the country on the 28th bringing cold air from the Arctic across most of the country. Although widely predicted, the rapid drop in temperatures was surprising. The chart below plots temperature and dew point readings sent from the Bracken House weather station to Weather Underground, and shows the dramatic fall in temperatures between 09:30 and 10:00. Between 09:33 and 10:00, the temperature fell from 8.6°C to 3.7°C, a fall of 4.9°C in 27 minutes. As can be seen on the graph, even after the cold front passed, the temperature [Read more]

Jan 022015
Weather review - December 2014

The weather in December 2014 was a very mixed bag with alternating mild and cold spells before the first significant snowfall of the Winter on the 26th. The all-time highest December temperature record was broken as was the yearly minimum temperature. Precipitation was well below average and winds were slightly stronger than normal. The maximum temperature in the month was 13.0°C on the 18th at 13:49 and the minimum temperature was -3.1°C on the 30th at 05:42. This was the highest December temperature recorded here, beating the previous best, set on December 26th 2011, by 0.1°C. The minimum temperature on this [Read more]

Nov 012014
Weather review - October 2014

Apart from the remnants of hurricane Gonzalo passing over the country on the 21st, creating a record wind gust for October, the month was decidedly average. Temperatures were slightly above average and rainfall amounts were exactly on average for the month. The maximum temperature in October was 19.1°C at 16:10 on the 3rd, with the minimum temperature being 2.8°C on the 12th at 08:02. This minimum is the lowest temperature since May 3rd when the thermometer fell to 0.6°C. This was also the first ground frost of the 2014/15 season, and the earliest a ground frost has been recorded here. [Read more]

Jun 022014
Weather review - May 2014

May 2014 was milder and wetter than average with lighter winds than normal. The average temperature for the month was 11.8°C, 0.8°C above the normal. The maximum temperature was 22.7°C recorded at 14:18 on the 19th. The minimum temperature was 0.6°C recorded at 04:35 on the 3rd. The warmest spell was between the 15th and the 19th when the yearly record temperature was broken every day. The highest dew point of the year was recorded on the 19th at 14.6°C, with the average dewpoint being 8.7°C. The average high temperature for the month was 15.8°C, 0.4°C higher than normal. The [Read more]

May 012014
Weather review - April 2014

April 2014 was an average month all round. Temperatures were slightly higher than normal, rainfall was slightly below normal, and winds were lighter than average. No station records were broken in the month. The average temperature in the month was 9.6°C, 0.9°C above the average for the month. The average high temperature was 13.9°C, with the average low temperature being 6.3°C. There were no frosts recorded in the month. The highest temperature recorded was 18.4°C at 14:30 on the 21st. This was the highest temperature so far in 2014, beating the previous high of 17.2°C set on March 9th by [Read more]

Apr 012014
Weather review - March 2014

March 2014 was a fairly unremarkable month with temperatures slightly above normal. The month was also wetter and sunnier than average with wind speeds also above average. The average temperature in the month was 6.9°C, 0.9°C above the March average. The average high temperature was 11.4°C, compared to the average of 9.7°C and the average low temperature was 3.5°C, 1.2°C higher than average. The mean for the month is now 5.8°C. The maximum temperature was 17.2°C on the 9th at 15:23, and the minimum temperature was -1.8°C on the 24th at 07:23. There were only two frost days recorded. There [Read more]

Jan 022014
Weather review - December 2013

December was a remarkable month in which, for the first time, the temperature never dropped below 0°C. Apart from being extremely mild, it was a very windy month, with the highest gust speed record broken, while rainfall was well down on the average. A new barometric pressure low was also set in the month. The average temperature in the month was 5.8°C, compared to the mean of 3.6°C. The highest temperature was 12.8°C recorded on the 16th at 06:39, with the lowest being 0.0°C at 00:20 on the 20th. This was the highest minimum temperature and the highest average temperature [Read more]

Jan 012014
2013 - the highs and lows

The first half of 2013 was cold and wet, with snow into April. The second half of the year saw a big improvement in the weather, with long sunny spells and below average rainfall. Here are the yearly records … Temperature Highest temperature: 29.9°C (1st August) * Lowest temperature: -6.3°C (16th January) Highest heat index: 32.2°C (1st August) * Lowest wind chill: -9.9°C (11th March) Warmest day (06:00-18:00): 25.3°C (13th July) Warmest night (18:00-06:00): 19.8°C (13th July) Coldest day (06:00-18:00): -4.3°C (16th January) Coldest night (18:00-06:00): -4.3°C (17th January) Wind Maximum wind gust: 48.3 mph (5th December) * Highest average [Read more]