Feb 132013
Bracken House weather site improvements

This week, the Bracken House website has seen some improvements, thanks to extra features added to the Weather Display software that drives the site. The main improvement was extra coding added to the moviemaker program that creates the last hour, all day and yesterday videos. This extra coding is to enable the creation of mp4 format videos that will play on Apple devices like the iPad and the iPhone. Prior to this amendment to the coding, the site was only able to create flv (Flash) format files which are not compatible with these Apple devices. The latest Weather Display screen [Read more]

Feb 092013
Upgrading the display adapter

My Mac Pro is now over four years old and I have already added more hard drives and extra memory. The most important component not yet upgraded was the display adapter. More commonly known as a graphics card, this adapter controls the display on both my monitors. The original card in my machine was the ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT with 256MB of RAM. This was showing its age and struggled to cope with intensive graphical work. So, after months of deliberating, I decided to upgrade to the ATI Radeon HD 5870 with 1024 MB of RAM. The device cost £377.00 from [Read more]