Jan 012014
2013 - the highs and lows

The first half of 2013 was cold and wet, with snow into April. The second half of the year saw a big improvement in the weather, with long sunny spells and below average rainfall. Here are the yearly records … Temperature Highest temperature: 29.9°C (1st August) * Lowest temperature: -6.3°C (16th January) Highest heat index: 32.2°C (1st August) * Lowest wind chill: -9.9°C (11th March) Warmest day (06:00-18:00): 25.3°C (13th July) Warmest night (18:00-06:00): 19.8°C (13th July) Coldest day (06:00-18:00): -4.3°C (16th January) Coldest night (18:00-06:00): -4.3°C (17th January) Wind Maximum wind gust: 48.3 mph (5th December) * Highest average [Read more]