Oct 012014
Weather report for September 2014

September 2014 was the second driest month and the least windy month ever at Bracken House. Temperatures were above normal, though not as warm as September 2011. The average temperature was identical to that of August 2014. The maximum temperature recorded in the month was 21.8°C on the 18th at 17:10, with the minimum being 5.2°C on the 22nd at 04:19. The average temperature for the month was 14.2°C, 0.7°C more than the September mean of 13.5°C. The average high temperature was 18.7°C, also the same as August, and the average low temperature was 10.2°C. A run of 26 days [Read more]

Sep 012014
Weather review - August 2014

August 2014 started off warm with temperatures topping 20°C for the first nine days of the month. A high temperature of only 17.6°C on the 10th, ended a run of 25 successive days of above 20°C maximums. The arrival on these shores of ex-hurricane Bertha then signalled lower temperatures with record August high wind speeds. Rainfall was slightly below average for the month. The maximum temperature in the month was only 22.9°C on the 8th at 13:39, this was the lowest maximum temperature so far in August. The average daily high temperature was also a record low of just 18.7°C. [Read more]

Jan 012014
2013 - the highs and lows

The first half of 2013 was cold and wet, with snow into April. The second half of the year saw a big improvement in the weather, with long sunny spells and below average rainfall. Here are the yearly records … Temperature Highest temperature: 29.9°C (1st August) * Lowest temperature: -6.3°C (16th January) Highest heat index: 32.2°C (1st August) * Lowest wind chill: -9.9°C (11th March) Warmest day (06:00-18:00): 25.3°C (13th July) Warmest night (18:00-06:00): 19.8°C (13th July) Coldest day (06:00-18:00): -4.3°C (16th January) Coldest night (18:00-06:00): -4.3°C (17th January) Wind Maximum wind gust: 48.3 mph (5th December) * Highest average [Read more]

Sep 042013
Weather review - August 2013

August 2013 was the warmest, driest and least windy August ever recorded at Bracken House. On the first day of the month, the temperature reached 29.9°C at 17:38. This was the highest ever recorded here, beating the previous best of 29.0°C recorded on the 13th July. The minimum temperature recorded was 8.6°C on the 31st at 06:42, the highest minimum ever recorded in August. The average temperature for the month was 16.2°C, also a station record for August. The average high temperature was 20.9°C and the average low temperature was 12.2°C. The mean temperature for August is now 15.4°C. The average dew-point [Read more]