Sep 122013
Welsh Mega Steam - day three

The long and the short Day three was another day that I had looked forward to, and it didn’t disappoint. Today was the day that I got to ride the length of the Welsh Highland Railway, and in style too. After breakfast, we boarded the coach which took us to Carnarfon in plenty of time for the 10:00 departure. We had been booked in third class, so I paid an extra ten pounds to upgrade to the observation car, and it was worth every penny. The line runs for a marathon 25 miles and winds its way from coast to [Read more]

Sep 062013
Welsh Mega Steam - day one

Alfreton to Bangor via the Great Orme Tramway This was a holiday that I was unsure about going on because it involved riding around on trains for a week, and staying in university student accommodation. The journeys between the various train rides was by coach. Despite my doubts, day one wasn’t too bad. The first place to visit was the Great Orme Tramway at Llandudno, but to get there, I had to take a journey involving three trains from Alfreton to Llandudno Junction. The first part was a short trip on Northern Trains to Chesterfield, where I changed for the [Read more]