Nov 032016
Grey wagtail becomes 43rd bird species to visit

On the 3rd November 2016, a grey wagtail was seen perched on a chair on the patio. The bird was preening itself for a few minutes before flying off over the large field. Grey wagtail (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The grey wagtail usually nests near fast-flowing water in hilly areas, but visits lowland waters in winter. The grey wagtail is resident over most of England and Wales, but is only a summer visitor in Scotland. In winter they can be seen around farmyards and lowland streams, even in city centres. Scarce in central and eastern England in summer and from upland areas [Read more]

Jul 112014
Stock Dove added to list of identified birds

The stock dove has become the 39th bird species positively identified at Bracken House since we began recording early in 2010. Easily mistaken for other types of pigeon, a pair of stock doves were noted feeding on the ground today (July 11th 2014). It is quite likely that the bird has been a regular visitor to Bracken House, but has been overlooked due to its similarity to other birds in the pigeon family. Stock doves are widely distributed in the UK, except for parts of northern Scotland and Ireland, with particularly high densities in the Midlands and South West. Over [Read more]

Feb 042013

Today, I created a video of the snow at Bracken House, filmed on January 22nd 2013. Filming took place when there was about six inches of snow on the ground. I used the music of Norwegian musician Per Wollen to accompany the video and I am pleased with how it turned out.