Mar 032017
Weather review - February 2017

February 2017 was 2.5°C warmer than average, with a maximum temperature of 14.6°C. Rainfall was slightly below average and only 3.5 mm of snow was noted. Winds were average, even though an all-time record wind gust of 50 mph was recorded. The maximum temperature in the month was 14.6°C recorded at 13:46 on the 20th. This was the second highest February temperature, only beaten by the 15.6°C recorded on February 23rd 2012. The minimum temperature was -1.6°C recorded at 10:25 on the 6th, with the monthly average being 5.6°C, 1.4°C above the mean. This was the second highest February monthly average, beaten [Read more]

Mar 012014
Weather review - February 2014

The wet and mild Winter weather continued into February, which was the windiest ever recorded, with temperatures and rainfall both well above average. There was an almost continual run of Atlantic low pressure systems, including the deepest low ever to pass over Bracken House. The average temperature in the month was 5.5°C, 1.5°C higher than the February mean, but 0.5°C lower than 2011’s record. The maximum temperature was 11.3°C on the 23rd at 15:11, with the lowest temperature being -0.3°C on the 10th at 05:36, the only time the thermometer dropped below zero in the month. This was only the [Read more]

Feb 232014
How wet has it been in Selston?

According to provisional figures from the Met Office, the United Kingdom received 486.8 millimetres of rain between 1st December 2013 and 19th February 2014, making it the wettest Winter ever. This beat the previous record of 485.1 millimetres of rain set in 1995. With the meteorological Winter not due to end until the last day of February, the total rainfall amount could easily top 500 millimetres. While the worst affected areas have been Wales, the West Country and Southern England, the East Midlands has escaped the worst of the downpours and floods. But, how wet has it been in Selston? Well, [Read more]