Nov 202013
First real signs of Winter

The first half of November 2013 saw fairly typical weather patterns. Temperatures were around average and rainfall amounts were slightly below normal. There had been no air frosts, and few ground frosts recorded. Over the last few days, the first real signs that Winter is on the way were noticed when a Cold Front drifted south over the area, bringing with it much colder winds from the Arctic. As usual, the media were exaggerating the weather forecasts, promising us the worst weather since 1947, and three months of heavy snow. Needless to say, these wildly exaggerated stories show no signs of [Read more]

Oct 052013
First and last frost days

With winter approaching, now is the proper time to take a look at when frost has arrived at Bracken House since records began in October 2009. There are two types of frosts that are mentioned in weather forecasts, air frost and ground frost. An air frost is when the temperature at a height of about four feet from the ground level falls below 0°C. A ground frost is when the temperature at ground level reaches 0°C. In some cases, a ground frost is recorded when the air temperature is 5°C. In the table below, I have assumed that ground frost [Read more]