Aug 012016
Weather review - July 2016

July 2016 was a dry month with average temperatures, and winds slightly stronger than average. The warmest temperature came in the second half of the month as the thermometer touched 30.1°C at 17:42 on the 19th, the second highest temperature recorded here, beaten only by the 32.7°C, recorded on July 1st 2015. The lowest temperature in the month was 7.6°C at 05:25 on the 2nd, with the month average being 16.3°C. The mean for the month, based on seven years of data, is also 16.3°C. The average daily high was 20.6°C and the average daily low was 11.9°C. The high [Read more]

Sep 012015
Weather review - August 2015

August 2015 was an average and unspectacular month from a weather point of view. No major records were broken. The average temperature in the month was 15.6°C, with the high being 27.0°C at 16:06 on the 22nd, and the low being 6.7°C at 05:26 on the 16th. The high temperature of 27.0°C was the third highest temperature of 2015. Only the 27.2°C on June 30th and the 32.7°C on July 1st were better. The maximum dew point was 19.3°C at 19:36 on the 22nd, with the lowest dew point being 5.6°C at 06:26 on the 16th. The average dew point [Read more]