Jan 052016
2015 - a stay at home year

Despite having over a dozen overseas places on my ‘must visit’ list, 2015 was a year in which I stayed on these shores, unless you count the Channel Islands as abroad. Although outside of the United Kingdom, I don’t regard our annual holiday in Herm as a trip overseas. Holidays Apart from a day trip to Llandudno in April, my first holiday was a repeat trip to the Outer Hebrides, this time on an organised rail and coach trip. The last time I was in the Hebrides, Sandra and I flew there and drove the length of the Isles from Barra to Stornaway. [Read more]

Jan 122015
2014 - where did you go to?

They say time flies by as you get older, and for me, this was certainly true in 2014. No sooner had the buds burst out on the trees, than the leaves were falling and Winter was returning to this part of the United Kingdom. I suppose the main reason the year flew by was because I was kept busy most of the time. I don’t seem to get bored, although I do have many moments when I sit around and watch the World drift by. Not having to work does give me the luxury to enjoy these quiet moments, and [Read more]

Oct 062014
Herm in September

For the last three years, we have had one of our holidays in Herm during June. It is not very busy then and the weather is usually fine. However, this year, we decided to have an extra break on the island in September so that we can see what the place is like when it really is quiet. Usually, we stay overnight in Guernsey and get the Trident ferry over to Herm the next morning. The flight from East Midlands doesn’t give you any spare time to catch the last ferry at 17:15, and if the flight is delayed, you [Read more]

Dec 312013
2013 - thanks for the memories

2013 was a year that will always by in my memory, thanks to the wedding of my eldest son Jamie, to his long-time partner Alice, and four amazing holidays. My trips this year took me to the Outer Hebrides, along the railways of North Wales and return visits to Tromsø and Herm. Jamie’s and Alice’s Wedding The wedding took place on June 8th and was a day to remember. The ceremony took place in the Booking Office of the Midland Railway Centre at Butterley and was followed by lunch on a steam train, which made several journeys along the line [Read more]

Feb 222013
Growing old gracefully

It is now three weeks since my 60th birthday and during a quiet moment, I was thinking how much I had changed in the approach to this landmark in my life. Only a couple of years ago, I was really into cricket and having a few jars at the weekend, but now, all that has changed. I lost all interest in cricket when my lads finished playing. As press officer for Langley Mill United, I used to spend all my Summer weekends, and a few hours during the week, supporting my club. All that changed last season. I resigned my [Read more]