January 2023 was warmer than average (4.95°C versus an average of 3.94), wetter than average (58.00 mm versus an average total of 44.98) and windier than average (a wind run of 3504 miles versus an average of 3221). Apert from a frosty spell in the middle of the month, January was a mild month. The highest temperature recorded was 12.2°C at 17:02 on the 10th. The lowest temperature was -3.8°C at 01:46 on the 17th, the lowest temperature since 16th December 2022 when the temperature fell to -4.8°C. The average temperature in the month was 4.9°C, 0.9°C above the monthly [Read more]
January 2022 was warmer than average (4.13°C versus an average of 3.92°C), drier than average (24.80 mm versus an average total of 46.70) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2345 miles versus an average of 3294) January 2022 started on a very mild note with the temperature on the 1st reaching 13.8°C at 14:18, the warmest New Year’s Day recorded here. This was the highest temperature in the month, with the lowest temperature being -3.2°C at 04:23 on the 6th. The average temperature for the month was 4.1°C, 0.2°C above the mean for the month.. The average daily [Read more]
January 2021 was cooler than average (2.57°C versus an average of 4.04), wetter than average (92.80 mm versus an average total of 42.51) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2554 miles versus an average of 3361). January was a cold month with an average temperature of only 2.6°C, the second coldest ever here, beaten only by the 1.2°C recorded in 2010. The highest temperature was 10.4°C recorded on the 20th at 09:01. The minimum temperature was -4.8°C, recorded at 07:55, the lowest temperature since -6.7°C was recorded on January 31st 2019. The average daily high temperature was 5.0°C, [Read more]
January 2020 was warmer than average (6.04°C versus an average of 3.84), wetter than average (44.20 mm versus an average total of 42.34) and windier than average (a wind run of 3794 miles versus an average of 3318). The month was also the warmest January here, with the average temperature beating the previous high of 5.2°C set in 2016. The new decade started with unseasonally mild weather through the month with just four days of sub-zero temperatures from the 18th and 21st. The maximum temperature in the month was 12.8°C on the 14th at 15:53. The minimum temperature was -1.3°C [Read more]

January 2019 was average temperature at 3.8°C, drier than average (23.20 mm versus an average total of 44.42) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2667 miles versus an average of 3646). If it wasn’t for a record breaking cold spell in the final days of the month, January 2019 would have seen above average temperatures. A minimum temperature of -6.7°C recorded at 08:20 on the 31st was the lowest temperature since -7.2°C was recorded on February 11th 2012, and the lowest temperature ever recorded in January. The daytime maximum temperature of 0.4°C on the 31st was the lowest [Read more]

The first month of 2018 was warmer and wetter than average, with higher than normal winds. After two months of below average temperatures, the New Year started off well. After three drier than average months, the trend was reversed with a much wetter start to 2018. The warmest temperature of January was 13.1°C recorded at 14:03 on the 28th, with the coldest being -2.1°C recorded at 08:00 on the 8th. The average temperature for the month was 4.4°C, 0.6°C above the mean. The average daily maximum temperature was 7.0°C, 0.7°C above the mean, while the average daily minimum was 2.0°C, [Read more]

Weatherwise, January 2014 was a remarkable month with several records falling, and precipitation being recorded on every day of the month. It was the mildest, wettest and windiest January recorded so far at Bracken House. The incessant rain was the main feature of the month with a total of 90.4 millimetres being recorded. This was 46.7 millimetres more than the January average of 43.7 millimetres. For the first time, precipitation, a combination of rain, snow melt, frost melt and fog, was recorded every day, with the wettest day being the 31st, when 9.6 millimetres was recorded. Evapotranspiration for the month [Read more]

The first half of 2013 was cold and wet, with snow into April. The second half of the year saw a big improvement in the weather, with long sunny spells and below average rainfall. Here are the yearly records … Temperature Highest temperature: 29.9°C (1st August) * Lowest temperature: -6.3°C (16th January) Highest heat index: 32.2°C (1st August) * Lowest wind chill: -9.9°C (11th March) Warmest day (06:00-18:00): 25.3°C (13th July) Warmest night (18:00-06:00): 19.8°C (13th July) Coldest day (06:00-18:00): -4.3°C (16th January) Coldest night (18:00-06:00): -4.3°C (17th January) Wind Maximum wind gust: 48.3 mph (5th December) * Highest average [Read more]

January 2013 was cooler and drier than average. In fact, the month was the driest January recorded at this station, beating the previous driest set in 2010. Despite a warm spell at the end of the month when the highest January temperature was recorded, January was cooler than average. The month started off on the mild side with January 5th being the fourth successive day that the temperature topped 10°C – a first for January. The highest temperature recorded was 13.3°C on the 29th at 16:31, beating the previous best of 12.2°C, set on January 13th 2011. The lowest temperature [Read more]
At 16:26 today (29th January 2013) the temperature reached 13.3°C. This is the highest January temperature ever recorded at Bracken House, beating the previous best of 12.2°C, set on January 13th 2011. This was the highest temperature recorded at Bracken House since November 22nd 2012 when a high of 12.4°C was recorded. The average temperature for the month is currently 2.7°C, slightly below the average for January.