Aug 012014
Weather review - July 2014

July 2014 was the sunniest so far recorded at Bracken House, though it wasn’t as warm as July 2013. Rainfall in the month was well below average. The maximum temperature in the month was 27.6°C on the 26th at 15:49. This was a yearly high after a previous yearly high of 25.9°C was recorded on four separate days earlier in the month. The minimum temperature was 9.0°C recorded on the 7th at 05:23, and the average for the month was 17.5°C, 1.1°C higher than the monthly mean. This was the 8th successive month when above average monthly temperatures were recorded, [Read more]

Jan 012014
2013 - the highs and lows

The first half of 2013 was cold and wet, with snow into April. The second half of the year saw a big improvement in the weather, with long sunny spells and below average rainfall. Here are the yearly records … Temperature Highest temperature: 29.9°C (1st August) * Lowest temperature: -6.3°C (16th January) Highest heat index: 32.2°C (1st August) * Lowest wind chill: -9.9°C (11th March) Warmest day (06:00-18:00): 25.3°C (13th July) Warmest night (18:00-06:00): 19.8°C (13th July) Coldest day (06:00-18:00): -4.3°C (16th January) Coldest night (18:00-06:00): -4.3°C (17th January) Wind Maximum wind gust: 48.3 mph (5th December) * Highest average [Read more]

Nov 162013
Much work needed on wildflower meadow

When I had the landscaping work done at Bracken House, one area I was keen to create was a wildflower meadow. I have always liked wildflower meadows of all types, especially buttercup meadows, poppy fields and fields of annuals creating different colours as each variety started to bloom. The area next to the paddocks, between the pond and the grazing fields, is the area I have set aside for wildflowers. It is now three years since the landscaping project was completed and the wildflower meadow is nowhere near to what I had in mind. The main problem I have met [Read more]