Mar 042017
Mandarin brings some colour to the pond

Eighteen months after the last new bird visitor to the grounds of Bracken House, a mandarin made an appearance on the large pond bringing some much-needed colour. The bird, a male, was the 44th different bird species noted since recording started in February 2010. The mandarin arrived during the afternoon and seemed to enjoy swimming around with the pair of mallards who visit the pond almost every day. The resident moorhens weren’t too impressed with the new arrival and kept their distance. Mandarins were introduced to the UK from China and have become established following escapes from captivity. The main [Read more]

Feb 082013
Siskin sighting bird highlight of the week

It’s been an interesting week of bird sightings at Bracken House, the highlight being a first ever recorded appearance of a siskin. This sole small finch was seen at the bird feeders on Friday 8th February. A common bird in Wales and Scotland, these birds are less common in England, but are more frequent in winter. They occasionally visit bird feeders searching for peanuts, though they do feed on seeds, especially of conifers, alders and birch. Also noted at Bracken House on the same day was a pair of mallards, who spent most of the day alternating between the two ponds. [Read more]