Jan 122015
2014 - where did you go to?

They say time flies by as you get older, and for me, this was certainly true in 2014. No sooner had the buds burst out on the trees, than the leaves were falling and Winter was returning to this part of the United Kingdom. I suppose the main reason the year flew by was because I was kept busy most of the time. I don’t seem to get bored, although I do have many moments when I sit around and watch the World drift by. Not having to work does give me the luxury to enjoy these quiet moments, and [Read more]

Jul 312014
Caravanning at Kilnsea

Ever since I learned to drive, over 30 years ago, I have visited Kilnsea and Spurn Point at the mouth of the River Humber. This is a wild and windswept part of the North Sea coastline prone to coastal erosion and flooding. Spurn Point and the peninsula is a three-mile spit of sand extending out into the Humber estuary formed by the sea depositing sand eroded from the clay cliffs to the north. The peninsula is constantly moving, but sea defences built around the first World War have prevented the natural movement of sand from taking place. These defences have now [Read more]