Nov 022016
Weather review - October 2016

October 2016 was drier and less windy than average, with temperatures slightly below normal. There were no unseasonably warm spells in the month, although there were days with temperatures in the high teens. The highest temperature recorded in the month was 17.2°C at 16:32 on the 4th. The lowest temperature was 3.7°C at 09:02 on the 10th, and the month average was 10.3°C, 0.3°C below the October mean. The average daily high temperature was 13.7°C (0.2°C below the mean) and the average daily low temperature was 7.5°C (0.1°C below the mean). The warmest day was the 28th with an average [Read more]

Apr 022016
Weather Review - March 2016

March 2016 saw temperatures slightly below average and the wettest March so far recorded here. Winds were lighter than average for the time of year. The average temperature in the month was 5.3°C, compared to the monthly mean of 5.7°C. The highest temperature recorded was 12.9°C at 15:11 on the 26th, with the lowest temperature being -2.7°C at 02:20 on the 8th. The average daily high of 8.7°C was 0.8°C below the mean of 9.5, while the average daily low was 2.1, 0.2°C below the mean. The high wind chill temperature was 11.7°C, the average was 4.1°C and the low [Read more]

Jan 292015
Dramatic temperature plunge heralds arrival of Arctic air

After six days of relatively mild conditions, a cold front swept down the country on the 28th bringing cold air from the Arctic across most of the country. Although widely predicted, the rapid drop in temperatures was surprising. The chart below plots temperature and dew point readings sent from the Bracken House weather station to Weather Underground, and shows the dramatic fall in temperatures between 09:30 and 10:00. Between 09:33 and 10:00, the temperature fell from 8.6°C to 3.7°C, a fall of 4.9°C in 27 minutes. As can be seen on the graph, even after the cold front passed, the temperature [Read more]