Today started with blue skies and Sun, although it was still cold, with a good frost. However, I decided that I would spend the day outside catching up on a few jobs I still have to do in the garden.
Things didn’t go to plan as BBC Radio Derby wanted me to do an interview on what it’s like to win the lottery, as part of a piece about ‘The Syndicate’, a programme on BBC TV about a group of people who win the jackpot. Don’t ask me what it’s like as I haven’t seen it.
I was interviewed by former East Midlands Today weather presenter Sally Pepper, who now has a morning chat show on the station. It was the usual run of questions – ‘has it changed your life?’, ‘how did you find out you had won?’, ‘have you retired?’ etc. Sally sounded very interested and was easy to chat to. Not that I have many problems with that.
After my appearance, I had to take Sandra into Alfreton to collect a Vax carpet washer to give our carpets a clean. Whilst there, I nipped into W H Smith to buy the Country File magazine, which I have been after for a while.
When I finally started in the garden, I removed the last load of grass cuttings from the wild flower meadow. The five barrow loads were taken into the small field and spread out to rot down naturally. I need to remove cuttings from the wild flower meadows as they will return nutrients to the soil if they are allowed to rot on site. Wild flowers need poor soil to enable them to compete with the grasses.
I have planned to tackle the overgrown brambles on the naturalised bank at the front of the house for a few days. I thought this would be a long job, but I decided to make a start on it before tea. However, it turned out to be fairly easy to chop down the brambles, though I have yet to work out how to get rid of the cuttings.
The naturalised bank is an area that I had planted with silver birch and fir trees to resemble a railway embankment. The brambles were threatening to take over, so I had to tackle them before they started growing again.
So, a busy and interesting day. I’ll sleep well tonight.