December 2011 was another very mild, but also very windy month as the recent warm spell continued. As the last seconds of the year ticked by, the temperature stood at 10.8 °C.
The average temperature for the month was 5.2°C, a stark contrast to 2010’s average of -0.2°C. This warm end to the year enabled the yearly average temperature to close at 10.3°C, easily a station record.
The highest recorded temperature was 12.9°C on the 26th at 11:56, with the lowest being -2.9°C on the 18th at 04:22.
The wind was the other notable weather event in the month. The average wind speed was 7.0 mph and the average gust speed was 10.7 mph, both station records.
The highest wind speed recorded was 23.0 mph from 293° (WNW) on the 29th at 16:47. The highest gust speed was 36.8 mph from 270° (W) on the 7th at 04:27.
December was also the wettest month in 2011 with a total of 70.8 millimeters falling on 25 days.
The average barometric pressure for the month was 1007.5 millibars, with the highest being 1031.5 millibars on the 27th at 09:51, and the lowest being 977.3 millibars on the 13th at 03:16.
There was no lying snow recorded and only four frost days, easily the best for December.
A remarkable end to a remarkable year.