Apr 252013

There are two important factors to consider when writing a blog – what will I write about and will I have the time. It is now 14 days since I last put fingertips to keyboard, mainly because I seem to be busy doing other things, and when I do get a few minutes to spare, I’ve had little inspiration to strike the keys.

English: Ticknall Cricket Pavilion Ticknall Cr...

English: Ticknall Cricket Pavilion Ticknall Cricket Pavilion and square in Autumn, long after the cricket season has finished. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

During my two-week absence from my blog, the cricket season has started. Until a couple of years ago, this was one of the highlights of the year. After seven months of dreary weather and cold nights, the chance to get outside and watch the real ‘beautiful game’ was something that I always looked forward to.

All this changed when my youngest son, Luke, decided he had fallen out of love with the game. His elder brother, Jamie, stopped playing a few years earlier due to work and family commitments. This left me with no real reason to go to watch cricket. Yes, I could still support my club, but without having anyone to cheer on, it all seemed rather pointless.

Anyway, the cricket season has started, and my club, Langley Mill United, kicked off with a maximum 27 points in their first game.

Gardening has also taken up a big chunk of my life. I have worked hard to sow and plant the vegetable patch, as well as tidying up and re-planting the flower borders. After the harsh and prolonged Winter, I will more than likely have several plants to replace.

In the vegetable patch this year, I have decided to cover most of the young plants with netting and mesh to keep off the birds and the flies. This is proving a success so far and none of my plants have been destroyed yet. I will be very happy if I can get a decent crop from the patch this year, as last year’s was quite disappointing.

Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. (Photo credit: marcopako )

The lawns are starting to come on nicely now, but there has been very little rain so far this month, and a good downpour would be welcomed.

In the home, I have purchased the latest Airport Extreme device for my wi-fi network. This device will give me a guest network for use by any visitors, as well as two separate wavelengths for each of my many Apple devices. Don’t ask me for the technical details, but as with all Apple stuff, I plugged it in and it ‘just worked’.

Well hopefully it won’t be another two weeks before my next offering. I will need to look further than my back garden for inspiration to keep this blog up to date.

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