September 2013 was the driest, and least windy September ever recorded at Bracken House, although the temperature was slightly below average.
The maximum temperature recorded was 25.3°C on the 4th at 16:25, with the minimum temperature being 5.1°C on the 15th at 04:48. The average temperature for the month was 12.9°C, 0.4°C below the mean. The average daily maximum temperature for the month was 17.2°C, with the average daily minimum temperature being 9.4°C. The average dew-point for September was 10.4°C, with the maximum being 16.9°C on the 3rd at 10:28, and the minimum being 3.9°C on the 16th at 05:58. The maximum heat index was 26.1°C on the 4th at 16:24. There were 84.5 sunshine hours, compared to 98.7 hours in 2012. This figure was slightly higher than August 2013’s total of 83.8 hours.
Rainfall in September was only 22.8 millimetres, the driest ever September recorded here. The average September rainfall is now 35.0 millimetres. Rainfall for the year up until September 30th was 299.2 millimetres, 89.4 millimetres below the average at this time of the year. This was the third successive month of below average rainfall, with only 50.4 millimetres of rain falling since August 1st. Evapotranspiration for the month was 52.9 millimetres compared to 60.5 millimetres in 2012.
The average barometric pressure for September was 1014.6 millibars, with the highest being 1028.9 mb on the 1st at 00:26, and the lowest being 994.4 mb on the 17th at 18:01. The average pressure was a station record high for September.
September 2013 was another calm month with record low maximum wind speeds for the month. The average wind speed was 2.5 mph, with the highest being 16.1 mph from 338° (NNW) on the 16th at 13:13. The average wind speed for September is 4.1 mph. The average gust speed for the month was 4.7 mph, with the highest being 28.8 mph from 248° (WSW) on the 15th at 11:44. The total windrun was 1636.2 miles.

[…] Weather review – September 2013 ( […]