Nov 202013

The first half of November 2013 saw fairly typical weather patterns. Temperatures were around average and rainfall amounts were slightly below normal. There had been no air frosts, and few ground frosts recorded.

Over the last few days, the first real signs that Winter is on the way were noticed when a Cold Front drifted south over the area, bringing with it much colder winds from the Arctic. As usual, the media were exaggerating the weather forecasts, promising us the worst weather since 1947, and three months of heavy snow. Needless to say, these wildly exaggerated stories show no signs of occurring, but the weather has taken on a more wintry feel as we approach the end of the meteorological Autumn on November 30th.

Snow covered meadows

Snow covered meadows (Photo credit: Alan Rowley Photos)

The 19th of the month saw the first air frost as the temperature plummeted to -2.3°C at 21:49, the coldest temperature since March 31st when -2.9°C was recorded. This was short-lived however, and shortly after midnight, increasing cloud and rain saw the temperature rise above freezing. November 19th was also a very cold day, the maximum temperature being 4.8°C at 12:43, making it the lowest maximum temperature since April 1st.

Despite the massive coverage given to the weather recently, in the papers and on television, there is nothing unusual about the weather we have experienced recently. However, one unusual weather event was picked up by the Bracken House webcam on the 18th as the Cold Front sank down across the area.

This rare event saw clouds moving in two different directions, caused when warmer air rises above the colder air behind the Cold Front.  This phenomenon is known as ‘wind shear‘  and can be seen towards the end of  the YouTube video below.

Sandra and I can be seen in the video removing cuttings from the wildflower meadows to be spread out in the grazing fields to rot. This is necessary to remove nutrients from the soil in the meadow to help wildflowers colonise. Too many nutrients in the soil allows grasses to take over.


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