July 2014 was the sunniest so far recorded at Bracken House, though it wasn’t as warm as July 2013. Rainfall in the month was well below average.
The maximum temperature in the month was 27.6°C on the 26th at 15:49. This was a yearly high after a previous yearly high of 25.9°C was recorded on four separate days earlier in the month. The minimum temperature was 9.0°C recorded on the 7th at 05:23, and the average for the month was 17.5°C, 1.1°C higher than the monthly mean. This was the 8th successive month when above average monthly temperatures were recorded, although the month average was 0.5°C lower than 2013. The average high temperature was 22.7°C and the average low temperature was 12.5°C. The month ended with a run of 16 successive days when the temperature topped 20°C, a record for this station. The sunshine hours was also a record at 158.5 hours, 14.4 hours higher than the previous best set in May 2012. The average dew-point was 13.2°C and the maximum heat index was 27.6°C at 15:49 on the 26th.
Rainfall amounts were low with only 28.0 millimetres being recorded, the lowest ever for July. Rain fell on only eight days, with an estimated 21.6 millimetres falling during torrential thunderstorms on the 19th. This figure is an estimate taken from other local weather stations owing to a fault with the station rain collector. After these thunderstorms, the next 11 days were totally dry. Until the end of July, 335.6 millimetres of rain had been recorded in 2014, 28.9 millimetres more than usual at this time of the year. Evapotranspiration for the month was 117.3 millimetres, 2.2 millimetres lower than 2013, which is the station high.
July winds are normally light, and 2014 was no exception. The average wind speed was 2.8 mph, and the average gust speed was 4.9 mph. The maximum wind speed was 13.8 mph from 248° (WSW) on the 4th at 12:14, and the maximum gust speed was 24.2 mph from 225° (SW) also on the 4th at 09:18. The average maximum wind speed was 16.3 mph, and the total wind run was 2048.5 miles.
The highest barometric pressure was 1024.6 milliabars, recorded on the 23rd at 00:56 and the lowest barometric pressure was 995.7 millibars, on the 5th at 06:21. The average pressure for the month was 1014.7 millibars.