November 2014 was the least sunny month so far recorded at Bracken House. Despite this, temperatures were higher than average and rainfall was normal. Winds were light leading to many periods of misty and dull weather, especially in the latter half of the month.
November’s maximum temperature was 15.7°C on the first of the month at 00:06. The minimum temperature was -1.2°C on the 25th at 07:05, the only frost day in both the month and the autumn season. Also on the 25th, the maximum temperature of 5.5°C was the lowest daytime maximum since January 30th. The average temperature for the month was 7.9°C, 1.1°C above the monthly mean. Only 42.9 hours of sunshine were recorded in the month, beating the previous low of 46.8 set in the previous month. The average dew-point was 6.9°C and the maximum heat index was 15.7°C recorded on the 1st at 00:06. The average daily maximum temperature was 10.2°C and the average daily minimum temperature was 5.5°C.
Rainfall in November was 67.2 millimetres, 3.0 millimetres higher than the month average. On the 7th and 8th, a total of 28.2 millimetres was recorded. There were 22 rain days in total The yearly total is now 518.4 millimetres, about the same as usual for the end of November. Evapotranspiration for the month was 12.3 millimetres, 0.4 millimetres less than 2013.
Winds were light in October with the average wind speed being 3.7 mph and the average gust speed being 6.2 mph. The maximum wind speed was 19.6 mph from 158° (SSE) on the 13th at 15:29, and the maximum gust speed was 28.8 mph from 158° (SSE) on the 7th at 00:14, both November lows. The total wind run was 2398.6 miles.
The highest barometric pressure was 1026.8 millibars at 20:23 on the 24th, with the lowest being 984.9 millibars at 09:50 on the 7th. The average pressure for the month was 1005.0 millibars. The average humidity was 93%, with the minimum being 50% on the 20th at 09:37, a record for November. The high humidity equalled the station record for any month set in December 2009.