June 2015 was sunnier, but cooler than average. Rainfall was well below average. On the 1st of June, the beginning of the meteorological Summer, the weather was very unseasonal. The maximum temperature was only 12.1°C, and the minimum was 4.3°C. There was 5.8 mm of rain and the highest wind gust was 31.1 mph.
The June average temperature was 13.5°C, 0.4°C below the mean. The highest temperature recorded was 27.3°C at 16:51 on the 30th, with the lowest being 4.3°C at 05:38 on the 1st. This was the lowest temperature ever recorded here in June. The monthly mean temperature for June is now 13.9°C. The average daily high temperature was 18.2°C, with the average daily low temperature being 9.0°C. The average high was 0.1°C below the high mean and the average low was 0.8°C below the low mean. There was 136.8 hours of sunshine in the month, 36.5 hours above the average and 31.1 hours more than 2014. On the 17th, the solar UV index peaked at 8.2, beating the all time high of 7.7 set on 22nd June 2013 by 0.5. The average dew point was 9.7°C, a record low for June. The maximum heat index was 27.7°C at 16:45 on the 30th.
Rain was recorded on 13 days and totalled 38.8 millimetres. This was well below the June average of 57.6 millimetres and was the fourth below average monthly rainfall in 2015. The wettest day was the 13th, when 16.2 millimetres of rain fell, making it the wettest day since 17.8 millimetres was recorded on November 7th 2014. At the end of the month, 220.6 millimetres of rain had fallen in 2015. Evapotranspiration for the month was 108.3 millimetres, 15.4 millimetres higher than 2014.
Winds were high at the beginning of the month, but became calmer from the second week onwards. The highest wind speed was 24.2 mph from 248° (WSW) on the 2nd at 16:04, with the highest gust speed being 35.7 mph from 248° (WSW) also on the 2nd at 15:33. These were both June records. The average wind speed for the month was 3.9 mph and the average gust speed was 6.6 mph, both average for the month. The total wind run was 2777 miles and the predominant direction was westerly.
The average barometric pressure for June was 1018.3 millibars, with the highest being 1035.8 millibars at 00:45 on the 9th. This was the highest pressure ever in June. The lowest barometric pressure was 994.0 millibars at 02:14 on the 2nd. The average humidity was 79%.