Nov 022015

October 2015 was a month of average temperatures and rainfall, but winds were the lowest ever recorded in October.

The maximum temperature was 17.3°C on the 6th at 15:22, with the minimum temperature being 2.5°C on the 25th at 05:07. The monthly average temperature was 10.4°C, slightly below the mean of 10.7°C. The average daily high temperature was 13.7°C (mean 14.0°C) and the average daily low temperature was 7.1°C (mean 7.7°C).

The maximum dew point was 16.8°C on the 5th at 18:17, with the minimum dew point being 1.2°C at 04:53 on the 25th. A grass frost was noted on a couple of occasions in the more exposed parts of the grounds. There were 59.75 hours of sunshine in the month, slightly more than the average of 53.6 hours. There were no recorded air frosts. The highest UV Index was 2.3 on the 2nd, with the month average being 0.1.

There were 56.6 millimetres of rain recorded, falling on 16 days. The wettest day was the 28th when 16.2 millimetres were recorded, equalling the wettest day of 2015 set on June 13th. The maximum rain rate was 33.2 millimetres per hour, also recorded on the 28th.

Winds in the month were the lightest ever recorded in October. The maximum wind speed was only 15 mph recorded at 12:50 on the 5th, with the average wind speed being 2.66 mph.. The maximum gust speed was 27 mph recorded at 16:36 on the 7th, with the average gust speed being 4.3 mph. All of these figures are records for the month. The average wind direction was 162° (SSE) and the total wind run was 1942.3 miles, well short of the previous October low of 2575 miles.

The average barometric pressure was 1017.4 millibars, an October high. The highest pressure was 1035.0 millibars on the 1st and the lowest was 994.3 millibars on the 6th.

Weather Underground graph for October 2015.

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