November 2015 was a windy and dull month with above average temperatures and rainfall.
The maximum temperature of 16.3°C, recorded on the 10th at 13:14, was the highest ever November temperature here, beating the 16.2°C set in 2010. The maximum temperature on that day was 16.3°C, the minimum temperature was 13.8°C, and the average for the day was 15.1°C (mean 7°C). The minimum temperature fell to -2.8°C at 03:01 on the 22nd, the lowest since -3.5°C was recorded on February 2nd 2015. The average daily high temperature was 11.4°C (mean 9.5°C) and the average daily low temperature was 5.8°C (mean 4.2°C). The average temperature for the month was 8.7°C (mean 6.8°C).
The maximum dew point was 14.7°C at 16:32 on the 6th, and the minimum dew point was -5.3°C at 23:32 on the 21st. An air frost was recorded on three days and the first snowfall of the autumn / winter season was recorded on the 21st, when a couple of millimetres of wet snow settled on the grass. This was the first snow since February 3rd 2015. There were only 16.83 hours of sunshine, well below the average of 55.9 hours. The highest UV index was 0.9 on the 1st.
Rain was recorded on 24 days and totalled 67.6 millimetres, slightly above the average of 64.2 millimetres. The wettest day was the 14th when 9.2 millimetres was recorded. The maximum rain rate was 99.4 millimetres per hour recorded on the 27th.
The maximum wind speed was 28 mph on the 17th at 22:04 and the maximum wind gust was 48 mph at 22:30, both records for November. This was the second highest wind gust of 2015, beaten only by the 49.5 mph gust recorded on January 10th. The average wind speed in the month was 6 mph (mean 4.3 mph) and the average gust speed was 9 mph. The average wind direction was 252° and the total wind run was 4526.7 miles.
The average barometric pressure was 1011.6 millibars. The highest pressure was 1028.7 millibars on the 1st and the lowest was 991.5 millibars on the 17th, the lowest for November. The average humidity in the month was 88%, a record low for November.