Jul 092016

June 2016 was warmer and wetter than average with winds lighter than usual for the time of year. The firsat third of the month saw the highest temperatures with the month ending on a cool, wet theme.

The maximum temperature in the month was 24.8°C at 16:36 on the 7th, the highest since 25.2°C was recorded on August 23rd 2015. The lowest temperature was 7.1°C at 01:21 on the 3rd. The average temperature in the month was 14.3°C, 0.4°C above the June average. The average daily high temperature was 18.4°C and the average daily low temperature was 10.8°C, the highest average daily low in June. Although the average daily high temperature was spot on the month mean, the average daily low was 0.9°C above the mean, showing that although June didn’t have any exceptional warm spells, there were no unusually low temperatures. On the first of the month, the maximum temperature of 11.6°C recorded at 15:29 was the lowest maximum temperature ever recorded here on the first day of June.

The high wind chill was 24.8°C at 16:36 on the 7th, with the low being 6.4°C at 08:08 on the 2nd. The average wind chill for the month was 14.2°C. The maximum dew point was 17.4°C at 14:50 on the 23rd, with the minimum dew point being 5.5°C at 01:21 on the 3rd. The average dew point was 11.8°C. There were 178.5 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 7th when 11.18 hours were recorded.

Rainfall was recorded on 17 days and totalled 61.6 millimetres, 3.4 millimetres higher than average. The wettest day was the 25th when 8.4 millimetres were recorded. The highest rain rate was 47.6 mm/hr recorded at 13:47 on the 20th. Up until the end of June, 273.2 millimetres of rain had fallen in the year.

Winds were lighter than average with the maximum wind speed being 13 mph at 17:49 on the 29th, compared to the June average of 17.1 mph. The highest gust speed was 25 mph at 17:06 on the 29th, compared to the average of 28 mph. The average daily maximum gust speed was 13 mph, with the average daily maximum wind speed being 6 mph. The average wind speed for the month was 2 mph and the total wind run was 1427.9 miles. The average wind direction was 175°.

The highest barometric pressure in the month was 1024.9 millibars at 22:44 on the 1st. The lowest barometric pressure was 992.6 millibars at 19:09 on the 14th. The average barometric pressure in the month was 1013.1 millibars. The average humidity in the month was 86%, with the highest being 98% at 06:07 on the 25th, and the lowest 42% at 17:49 on the 7th.

At 13:24 on the 26th, the U.V. index reached 7.0, the highest since 8.2 was recorded on June 17th 2015. The maximum solar radiation was 1269 w/m² at 13:56 on the 25th.

Weather Underground graph for June 2016

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