Aug 012016

July 2016 was a dry month with average temperatures, and winds slightly stronger than average.

The warmest temperature came in the second half of the month as the thermometer touched 30.1°C at 17:42 on the 19th, the second highest temperature recorded here, beaten only by the 32.7°C, recorded on July 1st 2015. The lowest temperature in the month was 7.6°C at 05:25 on the 2nd, with the month average being 16.3°C. The mean for the month, based on seven years of data, is also 16.3°C. The average daily high was 20.6°C and the average daily low was 11.9°C.

The high wind chill was 30.1°C at 17:42 on the 19th, with the low wind chill being 6.9°C at 06:39 on the 2nd. The average wind chill for the month was 16.2°C. The maximum dew point was 20.9°C at 17:07 on the 19th, with the lowest being 6.3°C at 05:12 on the 4th. The average dew point for the month was 13.0°C. There were 223.6 hours of sunshine in the month, bringing the yearly total to 1007 hours. The sunniest day was the 19th when 11.06 hours were recorded.

There were 34.6 millimetres of rainfall in the month, falling on 16 days. The wettest days were the 2nd and 9th when 8.8 millimetres fell. The total rainfall for the year now stands at 308.6 millimetres. The highest rain rate was 63.2 millimetres per hour at 14:13 on the 2nd.

Winds were slightly above average in the month with the maximum gust speed being 27 mph at 17:54 on the 2nd. The maximum wind speed was 14 mph at 18:33 on the 10th. The average gust speed for the month was 4.3 mph and the average wind speed was 3.56 mph. The average daily maximum gust speed was 16 mph and the average daily maximum wind speed was 9 mph. The total wind run in the month was 2597.6 miles, and the average wind direction was 255°.

The average humidity in the month was 82%, with the high being 98% at 04:33 on the 3rd, and the low being 41% at 14:22 on the 19th. The highest barometric pressure was 1025.2 millibars at 00:27 on the 15th, with the low being 999.0 millibars at 06:50 on the 11th. The monthly average pressure was 1014.6 millibars.

At 13:00 on the 16th, the U.V. index reached 7.9, the highest since 8.2 was recorded on June 17th 2015. The maximum solar radiation was 1250 w/m² at 13:49 on the 5th.

Weather Underground graph for July 2016

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