July 2017 became only the second month this year to record below average temperatures after January. Rainfall was lower than average and winds were lighter than normal.
The average temperature in the month was 16.0°C, 0.2°C below the norm for July. The highest temperature was 27.3°C at 18:35 on the 6th, with the lowest being 8.8°C at 06:12 on the 17th. The average daily high temperature in the month was 20.8°C, and the average daily low was 11.7°C, both slightly below normal. The warmest day was the 6th with an average temperature of 19.9°C. The coldest day was the 11th with an average temperature of 12.8°C.
The highest dew point was 19.2°C at 16:41 on the 6th. The lowest dew point was 7.5°C at 06:01 on the 17th, the highest minimum dew point recorded in any month here.. The average dew point in the month was 12.6°C. The high wind chill was 27.3°C at 18:35 on the 6th, with the lowest wind chill being 8.8°C at 06:12 on the 17th. The average wind chill in the month was 15.9°C. There were 210.71 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 17th when 11.31 hours were recorded.
Rainfall in the month totalled 48.6 millimetres, recorded on 15 days. The wettest day was the 22nd when 10.2 millimetres was recorded. So far in 2017, there has been 241.2 millimetres of rainfall, only around 76% of normal at this time of the year. The highest rain rate was 29.2 millimetres per hour recorded at 17:11 on the 10th.
The highest barometric pressure was 1023.8 millibars at 10:27 on the 17th. The lowest barometric pressure was 999.6 millibars at 18:10 on the 26th. The average pressure in the month was 1012.1 millibars. The highest humidity was 95^ at 09:00 on the 30th, the lowest maximum ever in July. The month average humidity was 81%.
Winds were light in July with the average gust speed being 5 mph (mean 5.6 mph) and the average wind speed being 3 mph (mean 3.4 mph). The highest gust speed was 22 mph at 22:31 on the 21st, with the highest average wind speed being 11 mph at 09:48 on the 28th. The total wind run was 2122.4 miles, with the predominant direction being 208°.
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 12:53 on the 9th was 1195 w/m², a low for July. The average solar radiation for the month was 172 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 7.3 set at 14:25 on the 1st.