December 2018 was warmer than average (6.3°C versus an average of 4.6), wetter than average (76.80 mm versus an average total of 47.91) and calmer than average (a wind run of 3206 miles versus an average of 3343).
The maximum temperature in the month was 12.3°C recorded at 13:25 on the 2nd. The minimum temperature was -1.1°C recorded at 04:04 on the 14th, the lowest temperature of the winter season so far. The monthly average temperature was 6.3°C. The average daily high temperature was 8.6°C, with the average daily low temperature being 4.0°C. The warmest day was the 2nd with an average temperature of 10.9°C, with the coldest day being the 14th with an average temperature of 1.1°C.
The highest dew point was 11.1 at 05:04 on the 7th. The minimum dew point was -3.0°C at 03:47 on the 14th. The monthly average dew point was 4.9°C. The high wind chill was 11.5°C at 21:54 on the 6th, with the low wind chill being -5.2°C at 09:34 on the 15th. The average monthly wind chill was 5.1°C. The maximum heat index was 12.3°C recorded at 13:37 on the 2nd. There were only 2.1 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 8th when 0.48 hours were recorded.
Precipitation in the month was 76.8 millimetres, recorded on 20 days. The yearly total for 2018 was 554.0 millimetres, 18.7 millimetres higher than the yearly average. The wettest days were the 7th and 21st, both recording 10.0 millimetres. The highest rain rate was 73.4 millimetres per hour, recorded on the 8th at 15:48. No snow was recorded.
The highest barometric pressure was 1034.1 millibars at 21:18 on the 24th, with the lowest barometric pressure being 990.7 millibars at 04:39 on the 2nd. The average pressure in the month was 1013.8 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 91%. The lowest humidity was 72% at 15:00 on the 7th.
The highest wind gust speed was 31 mph recorded at 08:49 on the 8th. The maximum wind speed was 20 mph at 11:47 on the 29th. The wind run was 3206.2 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 6.3 mph. The average wind speed was 4.4 mph. The predominant direction was south south westerly (208°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:42 on the 11th was 397 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 18 w/m². The U.V. Index never rose above 0.0.