February was warmer than average (6.7°C versus an average of 4.0°C), drier than average (28.00 mm versus an average total of 35.71) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2751 miles versus an average of 3108).
An exceptional spell of warm weather in the second half of the month ensured that February 2019 was a record-breaker. The maximum temperature was 18.3°C at 14:44 on the 28th, beating the previous February high of 15.6°C set on February 23rd 2012. This was also the highest Winter temperature recorded here and also the February average of 6.7°C was the highest February average ever, beating the 6.0°C set in 2011. The mean temperature for February is only 4.3°C. The average daily high temperature was also a record at 10.8°C, previous best 8.3°C. The average low temperature was 3.0°C. The lowest temperature in the month was -4.4°C at 07:29 on the 3rd. The warmest day was the 21st with an average temperature of 10.8°C, while the coldest day was the 1st, with an average temperature of 0.3°C.
The monthly average wind chill was 5.6°C. The high dew point was 11.2°C at 12:36 on the 24th, and the low dew point was -6.0°C at 06:18 on the 3rd. There was 81.52 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 26th with 7.05 hours.
Rainfall in the month was 28.0 millimetres on a total of 15 days. The wettest day was the 4th with 7.4 millimetres recorded and the highest rain rate was 6.8 millimetres per hour at 03:42 on the 4th. 51.2 millimetres of rain has been recorded in 2019 so far, 67% of what would normally be expected by the end of February. Measurable snow was recorded on the 1st of the month only and totalled 1.0 millimetre.
The highest barometric pressure of 1036.1 millibars at 10:11 on the 25th, with the lowest being 985.4 millibars at 18:50 on the 8th. The average pressure in the month was 1016.9 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 85%. The lowest humidity was 38% at 14:17 on the 26th, a February low.
Winds were very light again with the highest wind gust speed being 40 mph recorded at 07:28 on the 9th, slightly below the month average of 38.8 mph and the highest since 42 mph was recorded on October 12th 2018..The maximum wind speed was 24 mph at 05:24 on the 13th, 0.3 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2750.9 miles, well below the February average of 3447.6 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 6.2 mph, 1.7 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 4.1 mph, 1.0 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south south westerly (197°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:35 on the 21st was 689 w/m², the highest since 772 w/m² was recorded on October 1st 2018. The average solar radiation for the month was 70 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 1.4 recorded at 12:00 on the 26th.