November 2019 was cooler than average (5.9°C versus an average of 6.9), wetter than average (142.20 mm versus an average total of 58.30) and calmer than average (a wind run of 2349 miles versus an average of 2797).
The highest temperature in the month was 13.3°C recorded at 23:01 on the 1st. This equalled the lowest November maximum temperature set in 2012. The lowest temperature was -1.8°C recorded at 05:22 on the 19th, the lowest temperature of the Autumn season. At 06:21 on the 9th, the temperature fell to -0.7°C, the lowest temperature since -4.4°C was recorded on February 3rd. This was the first sub-zero temperature of the autumn season and is earlier than the average first freeze date which is November 16th. The monthly average temperatue was 5.9°C, 0.9°C below the November mean. The average daily high temperature was 8.0°C, 1.4°C below the mean, with the average low temperature being 3.5°C, 0.6°C below the mean. The warmest day was the 1st with an average temperature of 10.7°C, with the coldest day being the 30th with an average temperature of 0.6°C.
The average wind chill in the month was 4.9°C and the average dew point was 4.7°C. The high dew point was 12.5°C recorded at 14:40 on the 1st. The low dew point was -2.8°C recorded at 05:22 on the 19th. There were 13.7 hours of sunshine in the month, with the sunniest day being the 10th when 4.2 hours were recorded.
Rainfall in the month was 142.2 millimetres. This was the second wettest month recorded here, beaten only by April 2012 when 151.8 millimetres was recorded. The mean for the month is now 65.8 millimetres. Rainfall was recorded on 25 days, with the wettest day being the 7th when 29.0 millimetres was recorded. The highest rain rate was 19.0 millimetres per hour recorded at 15:07 on the 11th. The year to date total is now 762.6 millimetres, 146% of the average for the end of November.
The highest barometric pressure of 1023.5 millibars was at 23:56 on the 30th. The lowest pressure was 968.9 millibars at 12:12 on the 2nd, the lowest since 971.4 millibars was recorded on March 28th 2016. The average pressure in the month was 1000.0 millibars. The highest humidity was 100% and the monthly average humidity was 92%. The lowest humidity was 72% at 14:39 on the 18th.
Wind speeds were lower than average, with the highest wind gust speed being 23 mph recorded at 12:16 on the 14th, 13.6 mph below the month average, and a November low. The maximum wind speed was 13 mph at 20:36 on the 20th, 8.7 mph below the mean. The wind run was 2349.3 miles, well below the November mean of 2811.0 miles. The average gust speed in the month was 5.0 mph, 1.6 mph below the mean. The average wind speed was 3.0 mph, 1’1 mph below the mean. The predominant direction was south-south-easterly (148°).
The maximum high solar radiation recorded at 11:36 on the 8th was 466 w/m². The average solar radiation for the month was 26 w/m². The highest U.V. Index was 0.7 recorded at 12:02 on the 3rd, slightly below the October average of 0.8.